The secrets of mugavero to improve the quality of pistachio


“The Injury of the Endocarp”. This is one of the most common and most felt problems by the pistachio producer (Pistacea vera L.) which occurs due to the nutritional deficiency of calcium and which, inevitably, has negative repercussions on the quality and quantity of the final product. Also because it begins with the formation of the endocarp and continues in the development stages of the fruit.

The importance of calcium and Mugavero’s solutions for pistachio

Assuming that, according to various studies, calcium protects cell membranes from damage caused by abiotic and biotic stress (in fact, fruits with a low amount of calcium dry matter have a higher respiration rate and are less storable), however, the radical absorption of calcium by the pistachio plant is limited and often hindered by the Ca / Mg ratio. And it often happens that magnesium-based soil fertilisations modify this ratio (the optimal value of which is 2), effectively creating a “false” calcium deficiency in the fruit. In detail, the pistachio benefits from the foliar application of calcium which improves the characteristics of the hazelnut and the percentage of split or open fruits, on the contrary decreasing the percentage of closed and immature fruits. This is why for the nutrition of pistachio Mugavero deploys Tonical, a biostimulant, and Statia, an inducer of resistance. This, in addition to improving the aesthetic and organoleptic quality of the fruit, gives the plant greater resistance to thermal stress for the plant in the summer. In summary, it is thus supported in the initial accumulation process of reserve substances that will take place simultaneously as the collection.



Tonical is a fluid organic formulation containing calcium complexed with amino acids and peptides from brown seaweed extracts (Ecklonia Maxima) rich in natural growth regulators such as auxins. Thanks to its low molecular weight, it readily enters plant tissues ensuring rapid assimilation of calcium. And when the protagonist is pistachio, Mugavero suggests three foliar treatments from the fruit set onwards.



In a mixture with Tonical, we suggest the use of Statia a “zero residue” liquid formulation designed to favour the thickening of the leaf blade and the maturation of the wood, at the same time providing energy to the plant, and completing its nutrition with the contribution of potassium and magnesium having the function of “osmoregulator” and “greening agent” respectively. The treated fruits thus have a greater dry matter and an intense colour when the fruit ripens.

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