

Bos is a formulation of vegetable origin containing polyunsaturated fatty acids that activate the defense mechanisms of the plant

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Eco-sustainable packaging

Zero Residue



  • Increases self-defense against cryptogams and insects
  • Ensures healthier vegetation


  • It gives greater brilliance to the epicarp


Bos is a formulation of vegetable origin containing polyunsaturated fatty acids that activate the defense mechanisms of the plant.
Bos interferes with the interactions between plant and harmful organism and represents a valid solution to reduce the resistance phenomena of pathogens towards the synthetic molecules.
The vegetation treated with Bos appears healthier and the fruit acquires a greater brilliance of the epicarp. In addition to being a non-residual product, included in the integrated defense programs, it allows to decrease the active ingredients in compliance with an increasingly sustainable agriculture.
Bos has no phytocaustic properties even at high doses and can be used during all months of the year as needed.

Doses and Methods of Use

Crop Foliar ml/hl
Floriculture and Ornamental 500
Forage 500
Fruit 500
Industrial 500
Horticultural 500