

Sinsal contains organic (halophilic bacteria and acids based on organic humic and fulvic acids) and inorganic (calcium, sulfur and microelements) components to correct soil salinity

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  • Reduces salinity
  • Promotes flocculation of colloids
  • Improve the structure


  • Attenuates the physiopathies of sodium accumulation


Sinsal is an innovative formulation containing organic and inorganic components to correct soil salinity.
The organic component is composed of halophilic bacteria and organic acids while the inorganic component of calcium, sulfur and microelements.
The sodium accumulated in the soil colloids is removed from the soil in an insoluble form (NaSO4) and replaced by calcium thanks to the acidifying action of sulfur and the decrease in the pH of the soil. Halophilic bacteria balance the osmotic pressure of the circulating solution and improve plant absorption.
Sinsal promotes the well-being and development of the plant, mobilizes the micronutrients present in the soil and improves its structure.
For better management of soil salinity, it is essential to optimize the quality of irrigation water by neutralizing the bicarbonates present.