Mugavero color protocol
The Mugavero color protocol With the imminent Christmas holidays, the campaign in southern Italy for strawberries obtained under greenhouses is about to begin. The Mugavero color protocol comes into play to ensure balanced ripening of the fruit and uniform coloring, and to do so you need to start off on the right foot by intervening
The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is, in Mediterranean environments, an arboreal essence traditionally considered “deciduous”, that is, it loses its leaves in autumn; yet, in some areas of the Sub-tropic evergreen varieties are cultivated which, with appropriate controlled defoliation techniques, can produce fruits with different phenological cycles, so as to produce in three different periods. Recently,
Greenhouse cucumber
The cucumber in the greenhouse is a fundamental crop in many areas of the national territory. Typically summer, this species faces high-stress conditions during the crop cycle due to the extreme temperatures; abiotic stresses, combined with significant nutritional needs, make obtaining a quality product a real challenge. Mugavero’s solutions for cucumber in the greenhouse The
Tired ground
To counteract the tired ground or the root system with a compressed functionality, Mugavero deploys Niger 650 in the initial budding phase of the kiwi. An effective solution is characterized by a particular formulation containing total humic extracts (2.1%) with a sub-acid reaction When to give Niger 650 for kiwi To support the kiwi on
Non-optimal soil management has always been one of the most common limits of conventional horticultural and fruit production systems, as it can lead to various and annoying problems. One above all: the reduction, over time, of the root efficiency of the plant. This aspect obviously has repercussions on the productive result of the crop. On
Small fruits continue to fascinate consumers and producers and confirm, once again, their growing trend and the increasingly prevalent diffusion of new plants in areas other than conventional ones. This is why, in addition to the strawberry, which remains the most cultivated species among small fruits, the blueberry (genus Vaccinium, Ericaceae family) is taking on
Dragon fruit
From papaya to table grapes, up to the cultivation of one of the most requested and desired Asian plants in Italy, both for its rarity and its nutritional properties: dragon fruit (dragon fruit), or pitaya. Produced mainly by China and Vietnam, dragon fruit is produced from a high energy-efficient CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) plant, which